Our Programs
Public service is an integral part of being an Elk. In keeping with this tradition, Elks create and participate in many programs to better their communities and demonstrate that Elks Care - Elks Share!
This is a sample of some of our programs:
Each year the Elks National Foundation provides more than $3.65 million in college scholarships to graduating seniors. Our Scholarship Committee distributes applications to schools and reviews them upon their return. The committee forwards applications to the State Committee and awards local scholarships.
Hoop Shoot & Soccer Shoot Out
The yearly Elks Hoop Shoot Free Throw Program is open to all boys and girls ages 8 through 13 in which boys & girls shoot free throws trying for a perfect 25. The contest starts at the lodge level and advances through district, state and regional contests before the national finals in the spring.
The Soccer Shoot Out was started by the New Britain Lodge in the 1980s. Youngsters kick a soccer ball into goals of decreasing size. This program is statewide and is spreading across the nation.
Our Committeemen secure facilities, promote the programs, and serve as judges and registrars.
Drug Awareness
The Elks Drug Awareness Program distributes literature and organizes events to make kids and their parents aware of the dangers posed by alcohol, tobacco and illegal drugs. This is another national program whose goal is to make children aware of the dangers of drug abuse. A feature of this program is a statewide poster and essay contest. Locally we sponsor the March Against Drugs which provides funding for area DARE programs. Committeemen work on these and other drug awareness projects.
Try the program's Drug Awareness quiz and test your knowledge! The quiz is on our National Elks website.
Major Projects
The ELKS major projects in Connecticut are the Connecticut Children's Medical Center(CCMC) in Hartford and the Special Olympics. The Waterbury Lodge raises funds for our part of the annual contribution. The Connecticut Elks Association makes a donation to CCMC in the amount of $75,000 every year. The ELKS are actively involved in supporting the Special Olympics. This event allows those on the committee and others to work with less fortunate people, and is of great benefit to all who become involved. The Connecticut Elks Association makes a donation to Special Olympics in the amount of $75,000 every year. for more information please visit: https://ctelks.org/
Veterans Programs
Since the early days of Elkdom, the Veterans Service Commission has patriotically served those Elks who have fought for our great nation. “As long as there are veterans in our hospitals, the ELKS will never forget them.” This is the motto of this committee whose responsibility it is to coordinate support for our veterans.
Our Committees
The purpose of the Membership Committee is to actively seek out new members. All brothers in the lodge are part of the Membership Committee. Every member has a friend or co-worker who would make a good Brother. If you would invite him into your home, invite him to be your brother ELK.
The Investigation- Committee reviews each application it receives to ensure all questions have been properly answered. This committee is responsible for checking each applicant’s references, interviewing each candidate and reporting the results of the investigation to the lodge.
Supported by the annual lodge raffle and other fund raising activities, this committee works with architects and contractors to upgrade the lodge building and grounds.
A committee of 13 voting members are responsible for the management of the Rathskeller. If you could only work 2 events a year it would take the burden off of other members and you would have done your part.
Preparing and serving meals for lodge functions~ as well as catering (in house) for outside groups keeps this committee busy. Members of this committee do put in a good deal of time and effort serving the lodge.
The first Sunday in December is Memorial Sunday. On this day our deceased brothers are especially remembered at a service. The families of our departed brothers and public are invited to this Service.
The ELKS National Foundation is the charitable arm of ELKdom. The interest generated by the foundations investments provides MILLIONS of dollars in scholarships on a local, state, and national level. Funding for the ELKS Hoop Shoot and States Major Project is also provided by the Foundation. Every ELK can join the FOUNDATION with a $10.00 annual donation for 10 years. The local lodge committee solicits and keeps records of contributions.
Members of this committee organize dances, special dinners, trips, etc. for members and their guests. Some activities raise money with other committees for special projects.
The scholarship Committee distributes applications to schools and reviews them upon their return. This committee forwards applications to the State Committee and awards local scholarships.
Two of the most popular lodge activities are very time consuming. The Summer Family Picnic brings members and their families together for a day of fun and games and good food. The Annual Clambake ends the Summer as well as kicks off the Fall programs.
In the month of June a ceremony is held to honor the American Flag. This ceremony is open to the public. The ELKS were the first organization to honor the flag and were instrumental in this day becoming nationally observed.
The members of the committee are usually politically oriented. They keep a lookout for legislation and government policies which could affect the lodge.
This committee represents the lodge in dealings with other organizations in community activities.
The Visiting Committee visits sick brothers in hospitals, convalescent homes, and their homes.
This committee prepares candidates for ELKdom. It meets with candidates between their election and initiation to explain to them what the ELKS are all about.
“As long as there are veterans in our hospitals, the ELKS will never forget them.” This is the motto of this committee whose responsibility it is to coordinate support for our veterans.
This group ensures that all lodge financial records are kept accurately.
Charged with promoting patriotism among the brothers and in the community, this committee takes care of the flags on Main Street as its main activity.
The youth Activities Committee serves as an umbrella for several committees which provide activities and support services for area youth. The committee is comprised of the chairmen of all the youth committees who coordinate their activities with the Youth Activities Director.